
Monique has a French name and an essential oils business, and that’s two reasons for her to celebrate her birthday in Cannes. No sooner has everyone unpacked and met for a bite, than Ashley is accusing Karen of living in a townhouse instead of the palatial home she entertains in. She denies it, but there is blood in the water.

Being a gracious hostess is an art. The first step is knowing whether you are the hostess or not, and Charrisse Jackson and Karen Huger have not passed that test. However, Karen, who left a personalized gift basket in each woman’s room and arranged a sunset dinner on the lawn, might be the more dedicated of the two hostesses.

Karen, the Grande Dame herself, takes Ashley under her wing. She’s going to teach her how to be a hostess. First lesson? Don’t let Gizelle give you a hard time about putting her in a twin double with a busted air conditioner. Ashley nails it.