Karen Huger is triple-twenty, which is how The Grande Dame turns sixty. Somehow, she has never worn a swimsuit on screen, but the editors include a snap from her social media to let us mere mortals in the audience know that Mrs. The Black Bill Gates is impossibly snatched for any age. Ashley celebrates by taking her to… Chicken Shit Bingo.
This is not on brand for a woman who won’t tolerate any less than three wicks in a candle. Robyn had less of a celebratory time, as she tearfully fends off questions about her husband’s involvement in the Title IX complaint that cost him his job.
She does redeem herself though, when she paints Karen’s birthday “portrait” as simply a Twitter check mark.
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Being a gracious hostess is an art. The first step is knowing whether you are the hostess or not, and Charrisse Jackson and Karen Huger have not passed that test. However, Karen, who left a personalized gift basket in each woman’s room and arranged a sunset dinner on the lawn, might be the more dedicated of the two hostesses.