In the Wild

Bethenny's getting married! But before she tied the knot, she peed in a bucket at the Four Seasons.

Andy Cohen is a name-dropper and his time at Sunset Tower Hotel is no exception.

Visit the Caesar's escalator that stole Brynn Whitfield's stilettos.

Dorinda's first job was a hostess just like every other fifteen year-old suburban girl who was too cool for babysitting.

Someone told someone who told someone who told Bethenny that Tom was kissing a woman who was definitely not Luann.
Have you spotted a housewife in the wild? We’d love to know!
Are you relaxing on vacation and caught sight of a Sprinter van? Eating dinner and the gals waltz in, only to throw salad, wine glasses, or napkins at one another? Send us the Receipts, Proof, Timelines, Screenshots. Submissions will be featured on our site and social media.